We’ve teamed up with the Van Gogh Museum Edition Tour to bring the work of the world’s most famous painter to the Fairmont Pacific Rim. Starting February 25th, we will be featuring a state-of-the art Reliefograph print of one of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous paintings, as well as a live art installation of his painting, The Bedroom. Make sure to come check out our Bedroom!
The Van Gogh Museum Edition will be touring Oakridge Centre from February 25th to March 27th, 2016.
Climb in the Van Gogh bed on our second floor to take an #artfullyinspired selfie for your chance to win a one-night stay in a deluxe room including breakfast for two, plus a weekly draw for Van Gogh merchandise and tickets to the Van Gogh Museum Collection, exclusively at Oakridge Centre February 24 – March 27. After snapping your selfie, share it on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag #artfullyinspired and #vangoghatoakridge. Winner must be following @oakridgecentre and @fairmontpacific on Twitter and Instagram.